WA-SDT Expert panel
The expert panel comprises dedicated individuals entrusted with strategic decision-making and effective management, driving WA-SDT forward while ensuring accountability, transparency, and the fulfillment of its mission …
Mr. Seyfarth is Senior Fellow Digital Learning at the Teaching Innovation Lab and a doctoral researcher at the Institute for Public Management and Governance at the University of St.Gallen. He researches the impact of digital learning on institutions of higher education. After obtaining a master’s degree in Political Science from Freie Universität Berlin, he has worked for a development NGO in Central America, at United Nations headquarters in New York, and as marketing director for a German university. He advises public and private organizations during the development of digital strategies and has produced numerous innovative learning arrangements. He is a member of the working group “Internationalization and Marketing” in Germany’s national Forum for Digitization in Higher Education and co-authored the Whitepaper “Potentials and problems with MOOC in German Higher Education” on behalf of the commission “New Media and Knowledge Transfer” of the German Rector’s Conference. I am a member of the Global Open Education Graduate network (Go-GN) and have worked as a research associate at the Centre for Digital Cultures of Leuphana University and the Leuphana Digital School.
After some 20 years in this industry Tom has comprehensive knowledge about the major challenges and opportunities the industry is facing, and a network nationally and globally of some of the amazing changemakers that will help to solve them. In addition he has worked extensively with executive education and talent management, entrepreneurship and innovation, and media. His professional background includes obtaining venture capital, overviewing due diligence, general management, project management, and marketing. Tom has a strong entrepreneurial character and is internationally oriented and connected. He is also an experienced board member and chairman for start-ups, including the ones he has co-founded.