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Technology | Media | Telecommunications - David H. Deans, GeoActive Group

  • The Rise of Open Hybrid GenAI Platforms
    by David H. Deans on 20.05.2024 at 12:04

    Artificial intelligence (AI) has been steadily transforming business, now a new wave is poised to make a seismic impact: Generative AI (GenAI) tool adoption. In fact, we may have already reached the inflection point.Unlike traditional AI that analyzes data, GenAI goes a step further. It applies analysis to create entirely new content, be it realistic images, marketing copy, or innovative product designs.A recent Gartner study revealed that GenAI is the most frequently deployed AI solution in organizations. This is marking the dawn of a new global era in human-machine collaboration."GenAI is acting as a catalyst for the expansion of AI in the enterprise," said Leinar Ramos, senior director analyst at Gartner. "This creates a window of opportunity for AI leaders, but also a test on whether they will be able to capitalize on this moment and deliver value at scale."Global Generative AI Market DevelopmentGartner's survey found that, on average, only 48 percent of AI projects make it into production, and it takes 8 months to go from AI prototype to production. Their market study found nearly half of all organizations are already leveraging GenAI in some capacity.However, I believe the full power of GenAI lies not in a singular solution, but in the strategic orchestration of diverse vendor offerings. Different GenAI tools excel at specific tasks.One tool can generate realistic product prototypes, while another might be the master of crafting personalized customer service narratives. Recognizing this crucial difference, the preferred approach is an "Open Hybrid GenAI" platform architecture.Based on my assessment, this approach advocates for a purposeful blend of on-premises open-source GenAI platforms, alongside a selection of proprietary cloud-based GenAI solutions from different hyperscale vendors.There are several compelling reasons for this hybrid architecture. Firstly, open-source platforms offer unparalleled flexibility and secure customization, empowering enterprise leaders to tailor GenAI tools to their unique business application needs.Secondly, proprietary cloud-based GenAI solutions often boast emerging capabilities and are constantly evolving due to the rapid pace of innovation within leading tech companies.By adopting an open hybrid approach, savvy leaders can apply the best of both worlds: the customizability and secure control of open-source platforms combined with the latest new advancements offered by public cloud service providers.The benefits of an Open Hybrid GenAI architecture extend beyond mere technological prowess.  It fosters a spirit of innovation and agility within forward-thinking organizations.By not being locked into a single vendor's ecosystem, enterprises are free to experiment with different GenAI tools and discover the most effective solutions for their specific use cases.This flexible approach mitigates vendor lock-in and ensures open access to the most cost-effective models -- so that single vendors can't limit access to best-in-class GenAI apps.That said, I envision an Open Hybrid Generative AI architecture will empower progressive organizations to become App Orchestrators. They will act as conductors, skillfully bringing together a symphony of chosen GenAI tools to achieve their desired business outcomes.This exemplifies the power of an open hybrid approach, allowing enterprises to harness the best strengths of combined GenAI solutions for a transformative digital business impact.Outlook for GenAI Tool Orchestration GrowthIn conclusion, Gartner's study underscores the pivotal role GenAI now plays in digital transformation strategies. However, the key to unlocking its full strategic potential lies in adopting the right architecture.The primary obstacle to AI tool adoption, as reported by 49 percent of Gartner survey participants, is the difficulty in estimating and demonstrating the "value" of AI projects. This issue surpasses other barriers such as talent shortages, technical difficulties, data-related problems, lack of business alignment and trust in AI solutions.A strategic foresight game plan allows savvy business and IT leaders to leverage the strengths of both open-source and proprietary cloud-based solutions, fostering innovation and agility.That's why I'm convinced that Open Hybrid GenAI solutions are the essential deployment model to ensure that organizations are armed with the means to develop use cases aligned with strategic priorities. That's the GenAI value creation enabler executives truly crave.More...

  • Manufacturers Benefit from GenAI Apps
    by David H. Deans on 24.05.2024 at 12:04

    Digital transformation goals continue to influence large enterprise IT spending. Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) has now emerged as a transformative technology. Its ability to create entirely new business models or designs holds immense promise across industries.Still, a recent market study by ABI Research, presented at the 'Hannover Messe 2024' event, paints a somewhat cautious picture of GenAI adoption in the global manufacturing sector.ABI Research highlighted a strong presence of GenAI at the event, with industrial software vendors showcasing its application in the form of AI assistants and co-pilots. They forecast revenue from GenAI use cases in manufacturing will reach $10.5 billion by 2034.Manufacturing GenAI Market Development"The dominant use cases leverage core strengths of Large Language Models (LLMs) for Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) programming, code generation, step-by-step work instructions, and data enrichment and consolidation," said James Iversen, industry analyst at ABI Research.These solutions streamline operations and expedite workflows, focusing on functionalities that offer immediate time-saving benefits. This trend underscores a pragmatic approach by manufacturers, prioritizing near-term value creation over long-term applications.According to the ABI assessment, many companies lack an innovative approach. The overall sentiment is a slow and steady deployment strategy, emphasizing use cases with quick time-to-value ROI.This cautious approach to GenAI adoption is reflected in the data -- the market has yet to transition beyond near-term applications focused on immediate productivity gains.This measured approach is understandable. New technologies often face initial skepticism, particularly in an industry where established legacy processes deliver proven results.However, the potential benefits of GenAI are undeniable. AI-powered systems can optimize production lines in real-time, generate innovative product designs based on market trends, or predict equipment failures.The upside lies in its ability to move beyond efficiency gains and usher in a new era of creativity and innovation in manufacturing.  Here's what a best-case scenario might look like:Collaborative Design:  Imagine AI co-designing products alongside human engineers.  GenAI could take human concepts and generate many variations, accelerating the design process and fostering out-of-the-box solutions.Personalized Production:  GenAI could personalize production lines based on real-time customer data, allowing for mass customization and on-demand manufacturing.Predictive Maintenance:  By analyzing sensor data and historical trends, GenAI could predict failures before they occur, minimizing downtime and optimizing maintenance.Supply Chain Optimization:  GenAI could analyze vast datasets across the entire supply chain, optimizing logistics, identifying potential disruptions, and ensuring material flow.Outlook for GenAI Apps Growth in ManufacturingABI Research offers a more progressive approach to GenAI adoption in manufacturing. While focusing on near-term efficiency gains is understandable, the industry must embrace an ambitious goal.Manufacturers, technology providers, and research institutions should collaborate to develop and deploy more value-creation GenAI applications. By fostering a culture of innovation and risk-taking, the manufacturing sector can unlock the full potential of GenAI use cases.That said, I believe GenAI apps hold the key to a future of efficiency, creativity, and sustainable competitive advantage. The time for slow and steady moves is over. Savvy leaders will apply the power of GenAI to achieve their desired business outcomes.More...

  • Future of Work: Skills-Driven Employment
    by David H. Deans on 27.05.2024 at 12:04

    The way we work is undergoing huge changes. Technological advancements like automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and cloud computing are fundamentally altering the landscape of office worker employment.Business leaders are grappling with a new reality: the talent skills gap between their current knowledge workers and the growing demands of digital transformation raising the bar of expectations.A recent  International Data Corporation (IDC) survey of North American IT leaders uncovered the latest employee learning and development insights.Nearly two-thirds of respondents reported that a lack of critical skills has resulted in missed revenue growth objectives, quality problems, and a decline in customer satisfaction. These issues represent a significant drag on a company's top and bottom lines.Future of Work Apps Market Development"Getting the right people with the right skills into the right roles has never been so difficult," said Gina Smith, PhD, research director at IDC.The Future of Work is not a distant horizon; it's here and now. And the skills required to thrive in this new environment are in high demand.IDC predicts that by 2026, more than 90 percent of organizations worldwide will feel the acute pain of the IT skills crisis. This translates to a staggering $5.5 trillion in losses caused by product delays, impaired competitiveness, and lost business.These statistics underscore the urgency for Human Resource (HR) leaders to take a proactive approach to the Future of Work. Here are some key considerations:Identifying Skill Gaps:  The first step is to conduct a thorough assessment of your current workforce's skillset. What are the strengths and weaknesses? Where are the critical gaps that need to be addressed?Reskilling and Upskilling:  Once you've identified the skill gaps, you can develop a comprehensive reskilling and upskilling program for your employees. This could involve providing access to online courses, workshops, or even formal degree programs.Building a Culture of Learning:  In the Future of Work, continuous learning is no longer a luxury; it's a necessity. Foster a culture of learning within your organization by encouraging employees to take advantage of professional development opportunities.Attracting and Retaining Top Talent:  In a competitive job market, attracting and retaining top talent is essential. When it comes to skills, compensation is only part of the equation. Today's workers are looking for employers who invest in their professional development and offer growth opportunities.The Future of Work is not just about technology; it's about people and how organizations support the development of IT skills during a time of global economic disruption.By investing in your workforce's skills, you're not just preparing for the future; you're building a lasting strategic competitive advantage.The impact of the Future of Work on digital transformation initiatives is profound. As leaders strive to close the skills gap, they will need to leverage digital business tools and resources to deliver effective training and development programs.Learning management systems (LMS) can play a critical role in this process, providing a centralized platform for delivering and tracking employee training content.Additionally, the rise of online learning platforms and micro-credentials will make it easier for many employees to acquire new essential skills at their own pace.Outlook for Workforce Skill Applications GrowthIn conclusion, the Future of Work is a skills-driven transformation. Leaders that fail to address their employee's skills gap will find themselves at a significant commercial disadvantage.By investing in their workforce's skills, businesses can not only mitigate the risks associated with the IT skills crisis but also unlock new opportunities for growth and innovation.That said, I believe the time for meaningful and substantive action is now. Generative AI (GenAI) use case knowledge and proven practitioner skills are in high demand within the Global Networked Economy. This growing skills requirement has lasting implications.This future will demand collaboration between governments, businesses, and academia to create the educational infrastructure that empowers humans to thrive alongside GenAI tools. However, I would recommend that each person make time to advance their modern skills.More...

  • Electric Vehicle Global Market Momentum
    by David H. Deans on 31.05.2024 at 12:04

    The time has come. The global transition to electric vehicles (EVs) is rapidly accelerating, propelled by government initiatives to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate climate change. As concerns over the environmental impact of traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles mount, nations worldwide are implementing aggressive policies to spur the adoption of EVs and the deployment of vehicle battery charging infrastructure.According to the latest global market study by Juniper Research, this driving force of progressive government intervention is catalyzing EV transformation growth.Electric Vehicle Market DevelopmentJuniper analysts have reviewed the pivotal role government policies are playing in shaping the future of the EV market. They highlight the various incentives, subsidies, and mandates introduced by countries globally to encourage rapid EV adoption.One of the most striking findings from the Juniper Research study is the projected 194 percent growth in the total number of EV charging points globally over the next five years -- that's from 21.8 million in 2024 to 64.1 million by 2029.This staggering increase underscores the urgency with which savvy governments are working to build out the charging infrastructure required to support widespread EV adoption.Juniper attributes this surge in charging point deployment to forward-thinking government initiatives, such as the On-street Residential Chargepoint Scheme in the UK and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law in the U.S. market.These programs provide financial incentives and support for the installation of public, workplace, and residential charging stations, addressing the critical issue of range anxiety that has historically deterred many people from purchasing EVs.Another key finding highlighted in the study is the shift in government support from consumer EV purchase subsidies toward investment in charging infrastructure. "Government support has shifted to building charging infrastructure, with new initiatives... being some of the key driving factors in expanding charging networks," said a Juniper Research analyst.This strategic reallocation of resources recognizes that a robust charging ecosystem is essential for widespread EV adoption, even as vehicle prices become more competitive with traditional legacy ICE vehicle models.The global EV market is now poised for remarkable growth, driven by the combined forces of government policies, technological advancements, and increasing automobile customer demand for sustainable personal transportation solutions.However, the pace and scale of this transition will largely depend on the continued commitment of governments to implement ambitious initiatives and regulations that encourage and incentivize the ongoing adoption of EVs.As the Juniper Research study emphasizes, the development of rapid charging infrastructure will play a crucial role in alleviating buyer concerns about charging times and enabling wider adoption of EVs.By installing high-powered charging stations now, infrastructure providers can avoid costly future upgrades and position themselves at the forefront of the EV growth revolution.Outlook for Advanced Electric Vehicle TechnologyMoreover, the study findings underscore the importance of governments mandating the inclusion of recycled materials in the production of new EV batteries. This promotes sustainability that reduces the environmental impact of mining raw materials and also strengthens the overall supply chain resilience for this critical component of EVs.In conclusion, as more nations around the world implement policies to phase out ICE vehicles, invest in charging infrastructure, and promote sustainability in battery production, the global EV revolution is poised to gain unprecedented momentum. It's truly a pivotal moment.That said, I believe the future of mobility is undoubtedly both hybrid and electric, and it's the collective efforts of forward-thinking government leaders that will determine the speed and success of this transformative trend. Automobile makers will also be motivated by the lower price point of competitive EV models produced by innovative manufacturers in China.More...

  • GenAI Sparks Public Cloud Spending Surge
    by David H. Deans on 03.06.2024 at 12:04

    The business technology landscape is undergoing a continued shift in IT infrastructure. The public cloud, once a fringe player, has become the undisputed engine driving IT innovation and digital business growth.As executives grapple with their digital transformation initiatives, scalability, agility, and cost-efficiency remain paramount. The public cloud delivers on all these fronts, and Gartner's recent forecast underscores this reality.Worldwide public cloud end-user spending is projected to reach $675 billion in 2024, a significant increase from  $561 billion in 2023. This growth is driven by Generative AI (GenAI) and software application modernization.Public Cloud Computing Market DevelopmentCloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): This foundational layer, comprising compute, storage, and networking resources, is anticipated to reach $180 billion in 2024. This underscores the continued demand for core cloud infrastructure as organizations migrate workloads and applications to the public cloud.Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS): This segment, encompassing development tools and middleware services, is expected to hit $172.4 billion in 2024. The growth reflects the surging adoption of cloud-native development approaches, enabling businesses to build and deploy applications faster and more efficiently.Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS): The largest segment, encompassing business applications delivered on-demand over the internet, is projected to reach $247.2 billion in 2024. This continued expansion points to the widespread adoption of cloud-based business solutions across all departments.These forecast stats paint a clear picture: public cloud computing is not a passing trend, but a permanent fixture in the enterprise IT landscape.  The motivating factors fueling this growth are multifaceted:Cost Optimization: Cloud providers offer a pay-as-you-go pricing model, enabling organizations to optimize IT expenditure. Businesses no longer need to invest heavily in upfront infrastructure, freeing up capital for strategic initiatives.Scalability and Agility: The cloud provides on-demand resources, allowing companies to scale their IT infrastructure up or down based on business needs. This agility is crucial in today's dynamic commercial environment.Security and Reliability: Leading cloud providers offer robust security features and infrastructure that is demonstrably more reliable than most on-premises deployments. This reduces security risks and ensures business continuity.Innovation: Cloud platforms offer access to modern technologies like generative artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics -- empowering savvy leaders to innovate and drive competitive differentiation.Outlook for Cloud Computing Applications GrowthGartner's forecast predicts a compelling cloud-centric future. This exponential growth presents a wealth of new opportunities for organizations of all sizes. Here are some key takeaways for navigating this evolving digital business landscape:Cloud-first strategy: Organizations should develop a cloud-first strategy, prioritizing the migration of suitable workloads and applications to the public cloud.Skill development: Upskilling and reskilling the workforce will be crucial to exploit the full potential of the cloud. Businesses need to invest in training programs that equip employees with the necessary cloud computing and GenAI skills.Security focus: Security considerations remain paramount in the cloud environment. Implementing security policies and procedures is essential to safeguard sensitive data.Vendor selection: Choosing the right public cloud providers is critical. Evaluate providers based on key factors like security, scalability, service offerings, and pricing."The continued growth we expect to see in public cloud spending can be largely attributed to GenAI due to the continued creation of general-purpose foundation models and the ramp up to delivering GenAI-enabled applications at scale," said Sid Nag, vice president analyst at Gartner.That said, I believe the public cloud revolution is prolific. By embracing the Open Hybrid Cloud architecture and taking a strategic approach to GenAI tool adoption, businesses can unlock a world of possibilities, optimize IT costs, drive innovation, and gain a lasting strategic competitive edge.More...

  • Our Future Reality is Augmented or Virtual
    by David H. Deans on 07.06.2024 at 12:04

    As an independent management consultant, I've had a front-row seat observing how emerging technologies are transforming industries across the globe. One trend that can no longer be ignored is the rise of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR).According to the latest ABI Research forecast, the global AR and VR markets are poised for explosive growth over the next six years, projected to increase 60 percent and 44 percent respectively from 2024 to 2030.AR and VR Apps Market DevelopmentThe implications of this forecast are significant. We are on the cusp of a new era where immersive digital experiences will revolutionize how we work, learn, receive healthcare, manufacture products, and entertain ourselves online. A potent fusion of AR/VR hardware and software innovations -- combined with Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities -- is supercharging these emerging technology applications."Together with continual improvements in hardware, allowing for more user-friendly devices, these factors are the driving forces behind the market's rapid growth," said Matilda Beinat, research analyst at ABI Research.Some of the biggest growth opportunities are in the Healthcare, Manufacturing, and Consumer markets, with ABI Research estimating revenues of $4 billion, $8 billion, and $6 billion respectively by 2030.This growth will be fueled by AR and VR's proven ability to enhance training, visualization, simulations, and real-time learning experiences in highly scalable and cost-effective ways.  In manufacturing, AR/VR vendors such as Aveva and Strivr are already demonstrating powerful use cases. Manufacturers leveraging their solutions have seen knowledge retention rates double compared to traditional training methods.Similarly, Medivis is a pioneering vendor of AR/VR for educating healthcare professionals and assisting with surgical procedures. The life sciences arena is therefore a growth opportunity.While enterprise adoption is accelerating, the consumer smart glasses segment is also gaining some new momentum. Pioneers like XREAL are expanding their stake as people embrace the convenience and capabilities of AR wearables for information access and spatial computing.The evidence is clear, AR and VR are transformative technologies that enhance productivity, drive innovation, and unlock new opportunities across numerous industries.Enterprise leaders who recognize this transformative shift and strategically invest in building AR/VR capabilities will be well-positioned to gain competitive advantages.As a veteran consultant, I've learned to be cautious about technological over-exuberance. However, the projected growth trajectory, diverse industry use cases, and constant stream of AR/VR advancements leave me convinced we are at an inflection point.Outlook for AR and VR Applications GrowthWhile some challenges around device ergonomics, costs, and implementation hurdles remain, the rapid advancement of these technologies gives me confidence we are finally entering the long-awaited era of immersive computing.Savvy business leaders should start exploring AR/VR pilots, developing use case expertise, and empowering their workforce or customers with forward-looking digital business models.That said, I believe the AR/VR revolution is coming -- and for forward-thinking organizations, the upside opportunities for those who augment their strategic vision will be virtually limitless.More...

  • $4 Trillion Digital Transformation Upswing
    by David H. Deans on 10.06.2024 at 12:04

    As a C-suite leader, you're constantly bombarded with investment opportunities. In today's large enterprise arena, few initiatives hold the same potential as Digital Transformation (DX).Yet, securing ongoing buy-in from the board and other key stakeholders hinges on a clear understanding of market momentum and the return on investment that DX promises. A recent IDC worldwide market study sheds valuable light on this critical topic. Let's delve into some key takeaways and explore what they mean for your organization's tech strategy.Digital Transformation Market DevelopmentThe IDC study describes a market surging toward investment adoption maturity. Worldwide spending on DX technologies is forecast to reach $4 trillion by 2027, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.2 percent.This exponential growth signifies an opportunity for industry leaders to leverage digital business tools and strategies to gain a competitive edge, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Generative AI (GenAI) driving new investments."Digital transformation is no longer a discretionary investment: companies that want to be competitive and win in the digital economy are leading the way," said Angela Vacca, senior research manager at IDC.The financial services industry is advancing with a five-year CAGR of 20.5 percent and three use cases that are growing. Robotic Process Automation-Based Claims Processing is the fastest-growing use case with a CAGR of 35.1 percent, followed by Real-time Financial Advice (29.5 percent) and Digital Banking Experience (29.3 percent).These use cases have something in common: all three are highly data intensive and rely heavily on AI, Generative AI, and Data Analytics technologies. Financial institutions are becoming more customer-centric organizations that respond rapidly to changing demands.Meanwhile, the industry that will see the largest DX investments over the 2022-2027 forecast period is Discrete Manufacturing with worldwide spending of almost half a trillion dollars in 2024.This spending will grow to more than $700 billion in 2027 with Omni-Experience Engagement and Sustainability being the strategic priorities growing at the fastest pace among discrete manufacturing companies.Geographically, the fastest-growing regions across the globe are Latin America and China, which will have five-year CAGRs of 17.9 percent and 17.4 percent, respectively.The spending volume forecast is an indicator of confidence in DX technologies. However, it's crucial to see beyond the numbers and understand the dynamics shaping this growth. Here are some key trends to consider:The Cloud Imperative:  Cloud computing has become the foundation for most DX initiatives. Its scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness make it an ideal platform for deploying and managing digital business solutions.The Rise of Artificial Intelligence:  AI is rapidly transforming various aspects of business, from automating tasks to generating data-driven insights. Businesses that embrace AI will be well-positioned to optimize operations and create new value.The Evolving Security Landscape:  As businesses become increasingly reliant on digital technologies, the need for robust cybersecurity measures becomes paramount.While the market momentum for DX is undeniable, C-suite leaders must remain cognizant of the potential challenges that may lie ahead. Here are some key issues to consider:Project Justification:  Clearly articulating the ROI of DX initiatives is critical to securing buy-in. Quantifiable outcome metrics that demonstrate the impact on key performance indicators are essential.Change Management:  Successful DX requires a cultural shift within the organization. Leaders must champion innovation and provide employees with the training and support they need to adapt to new technologies and processes.Integration and Interoperability:  A successful DX strategy should ensure integration between existing legacy IT systems and newly adopted technologies. Outlook for Digital Business Applications GrowthDespite these challenges, the opportunities presented by DX initiatives are vast. By embracing digital business models, C-suite leaders can unlock accelerated levels of efficiency, create exceptional customer experiences, and propel their organizations toward sustainable growth. That said, I believe senior executives seek a strategy compass to navigate this journey. By understanding the market momentum, key trends, and potential challenges, C-suite leaders can make informed decisions and position their organizations to thrive in the years ahead.Remember, successful DX is not a one-time event; it's a continuous change management process that requires ongoing commitment and progressive adaptation. Embrace the shift to digital business model innovation, and watch your organization reach its full growth potential.More...

  • Smart Grid Growth Reaches the Tipping Point
    by David H. Deans on 14.06.2024 at 12:04

    The world's electrical grids require significant modernization to handle the transition to renewable energy sources and enable more efficient energy distribution and consumption. Enter the smart grid that uses digital technologies to automatically monitor energy flows, integrate renewable sources, and self-heal from outages.According to the latest worldwide market study by Juniper Research, the benefits of smart grid adoption include cost savings for utilities, a reduction in environmental impacts, improved grid reliability, and greater consumer control over energy usage.However, significant barriers are slowing widespread smart grid deployment globally.Smart Grid Market DevelopmentThe financial incentive for utilities to invest in smart grid infrastructure is now overwhelmingly clear. Juniper forecasts that worldwide savings from smart grids in terms of reduced energy and emissions costs will grow from just $84 million in 2024 to $290 billion annually by 2029 -- that's a 249 percent increase in just five years.The Asia Pacific region will see the largest portion of these cost savings, with China and other Far East nations accounting for over $100 billion in annual smart grid savings by 2029. North America is next at nearly $70 billion, followed by Western Europe at around $45 billion. No other region tops $30 billion in savings.While this payoff is highly encouraging for smart grid adoption, utilities still face major expenditures to modernize aging grid infrastructure and integrate renewable generation sources, energy storage systems, smart meters, and other digital capabilities required for true smart grid functionality.Fortunately, continued innovation is making smart grid technology more affordable and sophisticated. Juniper highlights how advancements in artificial intelligence will allow utilities to use Generative AI (GenAI) models trained on customer energy data to create forecasting scenarios that optimize grid planning and reduce excess capacity.Battery energy storage systems (BESS) are also rapidly evolving to make renewable energy sources more integrated and reduce wasted excess supply at times of low demand. With climate goals driving heavy investment in BESS research, energy storage capabilities will become increasingly reliable and cost-effective for utilities."Not only is the demand for BESS at an all-time high from grids, institutions, and even consumers, but investment in battery research is accelerating at an unprecedented rate. Future market leaders will be those developing improved batteries capable of integrating numerous energy sources whilst mitigating energy decay; saving money for utilities and consumers.," said Matthew Purnell, research analyst at Juniper Research.The integration challenges of incorporating a multitude of new technologies into antiquated electrical grid infrastructure remain daunting. But decreasing costs coupled with smart grid solutions becoming smarter and more resilient will progressively make the business case for deployment more feasible in the coming years.For mass adoption to occur, the advantages of smart grid technologies like smart meters must be attractive to homeowners and businesses. The Juniper report emphasizes how utilities can increase customer engagement by offering more pricing plan options that give users visibility into real-time energy usage data and control of how much electricity they consume.With this transparency and control, consumers can be incentivized to shift usage patterns to off-peak hours when electricity rates are lower -- reducing home energy costs while easing strain on the grid during peak periods. Programs that compensate consumers for feeding excess energy from home solar installations back into the grid can also boost participation.Alleviating privacy concerns around smart meter data collection will also be crucial to engendering consumer trust. Keeping this user data anonymous and clearly restricted in how utilities and third parties can analyze and utilize it should be mandated requirements.Outlook for Global Smart Grid Applications GrowthThe stakes for accelerating smart grid rollout globally could not be higher. Aging grid infrastructure is increasingly vulnerable to catastrophic outages from disasters and cyber-attacks. Reliance on non-renewable sources exacerbates environmental degradation. And consumer energy costs continue spiraling upward.While challenges around grid modernization costs, integration complexity, intermittent renewable supply, and resource constraints remain formidable, Juniper's data signals we are approaching an inflection point.The innovative capabilities and financial incentives of smart grid technologies have matured to a level where significant public and private investment will become very difficult for energy providers and governments to resist.With that said, I believe smart grid adoption can start rapidly scaling within the next decade; ushering in a new era of resilient, sustainable, and cost-effective energy distribution. The societal benefits will be well worth the effort required to overcome the known barriers.More...

  • Why CEOs Crave Digital Business Growth
    by David H. Deans on 17.06.2024 at 12:04

    For the past decade, navigating uncertainty has been a defining characteristic of the Global Networked Economy. From economic downturns to tech-driven disruptions, leaders have had to adapt in the face of constant change.According to Gartner's latest worldwide market study, there's a significant shift in C-suite priorities. Survey results reveal a focus on digital business growth, with CEOs identifying it as the top priority.About 73 percent of CEOs ranked growth as their primary objective, a 17 percent increase compared to 2023. This sentiment is underscored by the finding that 60 percent of CEOs plan to increase hiring in 2024.Digital Business Market Development"Along with the increased focus on growth, the survey showed a relatively weak position for cost management, suggesting that most CEOs and senior business executives believe the most challenging economic times are past," said David Furlonger, VP Analyst at Gartner.Several key factors are contributing to this renewed emphasis on growth. Firstly, a sense of cautious optimism is pervading the global business environment. While economic headwinds persist, many CEOs perceive a stabilization following years of volatility.This newfound stability provides a platform for strategic digital business expansion.Secondly, the rapid pace of technological innovation is creating new market opportunities. The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI), automation, and the Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming industries and customer behavior.Forward-thinking CEOs recognize the upside growth potential that these emerging technologies hold for driving market share and exponential revenue growth.Thirdly, the pressure to meet customer expectations drives leaders to expand their reach and offerings. Customers demand personalized experiences, interactions, and access to the latest digital products and services.Savvy CEOs understand that digital business growth, through ongoing innovation and market expansion, is crucial to maintaining customer satisfaction and increased loyalty.However, the demand for growth has its challenges. The Gartner survey also highlights some key concerns that CEOs have with their pursuit of expansion. Talent acquisition remains a top worry, with 42 percent of CEOs identifying it as a significant obstacle.The ongoing skills gap and fierce competition for proven talent make building and retaining high-performing teams a significant challenge. Additionally, supply chain disruptions and rising inflation are ongoing concerns, posing risks to operational efficiency and profitability.Outlook for Digital Business Applications GrowthDespite these challenges, the overall outlook for the digital business landscape in 2024 is one of cautious optimism. CEOs are prioritizing growth, and they are armed with a range of business technology tools to achieve their ambitions.To navigate the path to success, however, companies will need to address the skilled talent challenges and develop strategies to mitigate the impact of ongoing economic and supply chain disruptions.That said, I believe the focus on growth presents a tremendous opportunity. Leaders who can leverage business technology effectively, build strong talent pipelines, and remain adaptable in the face of change will be well-positioned to capitalize on the growth opportunities.Investing in Digital Transformation, fostering a culture of innovation, and developing data-driven decision-making capabilities will be crucial differentiators. Meanwhile, the current environment presents a fertile ground for leaders prepared to embrace digital initiatives.More...

  • Industrial WLANs Drive Efficiency and Agility
    by David H. Deans on 21.06.2024 at 12:04

    The market for industrial facilities networking is undergoing a significant transformation. Operational Technology (OT) networks, traditionally reliant on wired connections, increasingly embrace wireless solutions.This shift is driven by several factors, including the need for greater flexibility, improved efficiency, and the emergence of new applications fueled by the Internet of Things (IoT). At the forefront of this transformation lies a utilization of the 6 GHz band in industrial Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs), a communication innovation.Industrial WLAN Market DevelopmentAccording to the latest worldwide study by ABI Research, they forecast a surge in industrial WLAN access points supporting the 6 GHz spectrum, with shipments rising from 2 percent in 2023 to 71 percent by 2030.The growth of industrial WLANs can be attributed in large part to the limitations of traditional wired networks. Dense deployments of sensors, robots, and other connected devices create a constant demand for bandwidth.Furthermore, existing Wi-Fi technologies operating in the crowded 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands struggle to meet these demands, leading to network congestion and unreliable connections.The introduction of the 6 GHz band offers a much-needed solution. This wider spectrum provides significantly more bandwidth, translating to faster data speeds, lower latency, and the ability to support a greater number of connected devices."Of all the innovations within Industrial WLAN, the opening up of the 6 GHz band has the broadest appeal because it addresses the most pressing challenge faced by the industrial sector – spectrum congestion," says Andrew Spivey, principal analyst at ABI Research.The adoption of a 6 GHz band will translate into smoother operation of industrial processes, improved reliability of data transmission, and the potential to unlock entirely new applications.The benefits of industrial WLANs extend far beyond simply alleviating bandwidth congestion. ABI Research's study highlights a projected Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 7.5 percent for annual shipments of industrial WLAN access points from 2024 to 2030.This robust growth indicates a fundamental shift in how industrial facilities are approaching connectivity. Wireless solutions offer significant advantages – they improve floor space efficiency by eliminating the need for extensive cabling.Additionally, they reduce installation and maintenance costs compared to wired networks. This newfound flexibility empowers companies to adapt their facility layouts more readily, accommodate future expansions, and optimize factory workflows.The 6 GHz spectrum further unlocks the potential of emerging technologies like Industrial IoT (IIoT). With faster data transfer and greater reliability, industrial facilities can leverage a wider range of sensors and connected devices.This enables real-time monitoring of industrial equipment health, predictive maintenance, and enhanced automation capabilities – ultimately leading to increased productivity and reduced downtime.Outlook for a Connected and Intelligent FactoryThe projected surge in 6 GHz-enabled industrial WLANs offers a significant step towards a more connected and intelligent factory floor. As the technology matures, we can expect further advancements:Standardization: Continued development of protocols specifically designed for industrial applications will further enhance network performance and reliability.Security Enhancements: Robust security solutions tailored to the unique needs of industrial environments will become crucial.Artificial Intelligence (AI): The fusion of AI with industrial WLANs will enable real-time data analysis and anomaly detection.The industrial landscape is on the cusp of a wireless transformation. By embracing 6 GHz technology and the broader shift towards WLANs, business leaders can explore a new era of operational efficiency, flexibility, and data-driven decision-making.That said, I believe this digital transformation holds the potential to optimize resource utilization and help propel more industrial facilities to a fully automated environment.More...